Phone Numbers

    Alzheimer Society                                          705 560 0603

    Arthritis Society                                             705 673 4641

    Canadian Mental Health                                 705 675 7252

    Canada Pension                                              1 800 227 9914

    CCAC Community Care Access Centre             705 310 2222

    Elder Abuse  ( Senior Liaison Officer)               705 523 4116

    Handi Trans                                                    705 670 2300

    Hospital (HSN)                                                705 523 7100

    Health Care Connect                                        1 800 445 1822

    Health Unit                                                      705 522 9200   

    Ministry of Health                                            1 800376 5197

    Ministry of Transportation                                705 369 2034

    Meals on Wheels                                              705 525 4554

    Red Cross                                                        705 674 0737

    Tele Health                                                      1 866 707 0007

    United Way                                                      705 560 3330

    United Way (Income Tax Programme)              705 560 3337

    Mcallogh Hospice                                             705 674 9252

    VON                                                                 705  671 1575

    YMCA                                                               705 673 9136

Emergency    911    

City Services   311      Senior Help Line  211